Job opportunities

Become part of Verteco Digital Services

Sales Associate

Do you enjoy communicating with businness - oriented people and helping them to solver theyr struggle in the digital advertising? This job is exactly for you.

Back Office Worker

Somebody always has to monitor what is going

Digital Marketing Associate

If you already made some PPC campaigns, know how to interpret data from Google Analytics and how to work with XML product feeds, we will probably be nice fit.

SEO Specialist

You know what onpage and offpage factors are and how to utilize them? Good, we have a lot of work for you!

Discover your potential

Careers at Verteco Digital Services

Online Marketing Intern

Do you study online marketing or related field and want to progress? Just let us know!

Graphic Designer Intern

Do you study graphic design or related field and want to progress? Just let us know!

What are you looking for in your next job?

Apply now for success

Interested in any of the offers above? We are happy to hear that! Just let us know something about you.

We will reach back to you ASAP. 🙂

Získajte ukážku dizajnu pre váš projekt zadarmo!

Vo si veríme v kvalite, ktorú dodávame.

Radi vám to dokážeme bezplatnou ukážkou.

Zistite, prečo nám klienti dôverujú.
Presvedčte sa o rozdiele na vlastnej skúsenosti.

Váš e-mail bude spracovaný v súlade s zásadami ochrany osobných údajů.

Získejte ukázku designu pro váš projekt zdarma!

Ve jsme přesvědčeni o kvalitě, kterou dodáváme.

Rádi vám to dokážeme bezplatnou ukázkou.

Zjistěte, proč nám klienti důvěřují.
Přesvědčte se o rozdílu sami.

Váš e-mail bude zpracován v souladu s zásadami ochrany osobních údajů.

Get a free sample of design for your project!

At, we’re confident in the quality we deliver.

And we’d love to prove it to you with a free sample.

Discover why clients trust us.
Experience the difference yourself.

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